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encouragement from steve wise

Thursday, September 10 2020

Dear friends, 

         The 3 most important factors in real estate (or so I have heard) are location, location, location. I would argue that the 3 most important factors in relationships – and in church – is communication, communication, communication! So, in an effort to communicate and at the risk of over-communicating, I write to remind you about our newest worship schedule:

8:00am indoor service with hymns, prayers and a sermon.

Expect this service to last around 45 minutes. For health reasons, masks will be required, temperatures will be checked, and we will practice social distancing. We recognize this may not be ideal and appreciate your patience. 

9:00am outdoor

Expect this service to last 45-60 minutes. Masks not required.

10:30am indoor & live-streamed

This is our live stream service (watch it here). Expect this service to last a little over an hour. For health reasons, masks will be required, temperatures will be checked, and we will practice social distancing. We recognize this may not be ideal and appreciate your patience

I know many of us may not be quite ready to return to large group gatherings for a variety of reasons. I do want to encourage you to keep the habit or re-start the habit of worshipping with us – either live at any of the services or virtually through our live-stream services (watch it here). If you are like me, it has been all to easy to forsake some good habits and pick up some bad ones during the Corona-cation.  One of the key spiritual practices, basic movements, or helpful habits of the spiritual life is fellowship – the art or skill of showing up and staying involved. This is certainly not just corporate worship, but it is certainly not less. As we are beginning to start getting back to some semblance of normal, may be thoughtful in establishing and maintaining habits that help us grow closer to God and one another. I am reminded of this pithy saying –

Sow a thought, reap and action.

Sow an action, reap a habit.

Sow a habit, reap a lifestyle.

Sow a lifestyle, reap a destiny.

Hope to see you Sunday or at least be seen by you!

Your friend,

Steve Wise

Posted by: Steve AT 03:21 pm   |  Permalink   |  Email
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