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Small groups are a place where you can build personal relationships and practice applying the gospel to your life. Composed of six to twelve people, groups meet in homes or at the church. Groups generally meet weekly for Bible study, fellowship, and prayer. Small Groups are places where we can be revitalized and strengthened as we seek to reflect the love of Jesus Christ to the people around us. And since God made us for community, we need others to help apply the gospel to our lives.  If you are interested in joining a Small Group or leading one, please contact Justin Lewis.

TYPES OF SMALL GROUPS AT WPC  - click to skip to each section


These groups meet on or off WPC's campus to provide a regular community experience with just men or women.  But we also have some groups who meet as couples! 

Monday 4:30p - Randi Berry (member homes)
Tuesday (alternating) 7:30p - Blair Kyle (Wise home)
Wednesday 10:00a, seasonally - Women's Community Bible Study
(Fellowship Hall) - Kay Powell
Wednesday 6:15 pm - Come As You Are  - Beth Wolfe
"Presbyterian Women - Encouragement Circle, 2nd Tuesdays @ 9:30am (WPC Parlor) -
Ldr: Annette Porter
Monday 6:15 am - David Smith (Pineville Rd House)
Monday 6:15 am - Steve Wise (Emory Rd House)
Wednesday 6:15 pm - Justin Lewis (Pineville Rd House)
Thursday 6:15am - Steve Wise (Emory Road House)
Thursday 6:30am - Claude Saleeby (Church)
Thursday 12:00 noon - Steve Wise (Emory Rd House)
Friday (1st/3rd) 6:00 am - David Smith (Pineville Rd House) for young men
Thursday 12:00 noon - John Manatis (____)
Sunday 6:00p - Mike & Connie Bryan (Bryans' home)
Tuesday 6:30p - Margaret Gordon (homes)
Tuesday 7:00p - Jane Nicol (homes)
Sundays 5:00p - Hootie & Adrienne Solesbee
Sundays 5:30p (alternating weeks) - Kyle & Caren Livingston
Sundays 5:00p - Justin & Holly Lewis


We often call these groups "Adult Bible Studies" or "ABSs".  But you might think of these as "Sunday School Classes".  The idea behind these groups is to provide direct opportunities to precede or follow our Sunday worship gatherings - and engage with one another and Scripture. 

SUNDAY Opportunities

Several groups are offered each Sunday: 

  • 9:30 AM TRUTHSEEKERS -  Fellowship Hall A; Leader: Lynne Poole; Topic: Various Scripture; For any/all adults.
  • 9:30 AM FRIENDS IN FAITH - Fellowship Hall C; Leader: Mike Bryan; Topic: Various Topics; For any/all adults.
  • 11:00 AM SEEKERS - Fellowship Hall A; Leader-contact: Lynn O’Neal ; Topic: Sermon-based discussion*; For all/any adults.
  • 11:00 AM YOUNG ADULTS - Fellowship Hall C; Leader-contact: David and Janice Smith; For young adults (single/married), newly married, or parents with young/new children. 
  • 11:00 AM SERMON DISCUSSION - Room 12 / The Parlor; Leader-contact: Justin Lewis
  • 11:00 AM ACTS 2:42  -  Room 16; Leader-contact: Ben & Sue Walters; Topic: Sermon-based discussion
  • 11:00 AM STUDENT (and/or PARENTS) DISCUSSION -  Emory Road House; Leader-contact: Kyle Livingston; Topic: Scripture and conversations that guide teenagers (and sometimes parents) to truth in Christ.
  • Other groups might be meeting sporatically each semester. Look for info in the worship service bulletins!  


Wednesday nights during the Fall and Spring semesters provide an engaging atmosphere of connectivity and growth.  Join us for a meal, then connect with one of our small groups to dive deeper into Biblical conversation and fellowship

Wednesday Group Opportunities

These groups are evolving every semester and are posted on a separate page.

Look for groups on Bible study, relevant topics that could help you grow during this season of life. 


Let's face it. Parenting is hard. And most of the time we don't know what we're doing. That's why our Parent Ministry will offer options throughout the year to engage topics of biblical parenthood and offer resources to guide us. 

Parenting Group Opportunities

Look for group offerings in the Fall.  Because we try to provide childcare for these groups, we offer three main times:




Contact if you're interested. 

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