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Life Happens in Community

We offer different "smaller community" experiences for adults, including Sunday Morning Small Groups & Adult Bible Study. Groups study different books in the Bible, an impactful Christian book, or discuss their reflections from the teaching/sermon. Depending on which worship service you attend, you will choose between the 9:30am and 11am ABS hours.   If you have questions about an ABS group, contact Justin Lewis

@ 9:30 AM

TRUTHSEEKERS Fellowship Hall A
Leader: Lynne Poole;
Topic: The Book of Revelation; For any/all adults.

FRIENDS IN FAITH Fellowship Hall C
Leader: Mike Bryan; Topic: Various Topics; For any/all adults.

What does "sermon-based" mean?

*Sermon-based discussion means that the leader will facilitate a conversation around the passage that the sermon was preached on and, where possible, use material from the sermon to help participants go deeper into the study.  You do not have to listen to the sermon to participate - but it helps!  

@ 11:00 AM

SEEKERSFellowship Hall A
Leader-contact: Lynn O’Neal ; Topic: TBA; For all/any adults.

SERMON DISCUSSION - Room 12 / The Parlor
Leader-contact: Justin Lewis; 
Topic: Sermon-based discussion; For all/any adults - typically folks in their early parenthood years.

YOUNG ADULTS - Fellowship Hall C
Leader-contact: David and Janice Smith
For young adults (single/married), newly married, or parents with young/new children. 

ACTS 2:42  -  Room 16
Leader-contact: Ben & Sue Walters;
Topic: The Book of James

STUDENT (and/or PARENTS) DISCUSSION -  Emory Road House
Leader-contact: Kyle Livingston;
Topic: Scripture and conversations that guide teenagers (and sometimes parents) to truth in Christ.

Small Groups (beyond Sunday mornings)

There are currently over 25 small groups made up of women, men, couples, young adults, and more! For small group information, please click here or email

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