WYLDLIFE -- for 6th thru 8th graders
Very appropriately named, this is Young Life for middle school students. WyldLife "club" is a "wyld" hour of games, skits, and off-the-wall humor with a relevant and clear communication of the gospel message. This happens every Wednesday night (during the school year) at the Emory Road House from 6:30-7:30pm. We venture on a weeklong trip to Southwind, a WyldLife camp in Oklawaha, Florida during the summer, and a weekend at Carolina Point in North Carolina in the spring.

YOUNG LIFE -- for 9th thru 12th graders
Young Life is part of the way we fulfill the Great Commission in the high school community and with our own youth. A 50+ year, international ministry outreach, Young Life reaches out to spiritually disinterested high school students who are disinterested in the Church. Westminster employs this ministry as its vehicle for youth ministry in the church and community. Leaders go where "kids" are to "earn the right to be heard" by them. Young Life "club" meets Monday nights (during the school year) at the Emory Road House from 8:00-9:00pm for an hour of singing, fun, games, and a clear presentation of the good news of Jesus Christ. We also take a trip to Frontier Ranch in Colorado every summer and weekend retreat to Windy Gap, North Carolina in the fall.