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⟡ Realm


The 25+ member choir (ages 15 and up) provides choral music for the 11:00 a.m. worship service.  Believing that our contributions to the total worship experience are of the utmost importance, we minister through a diversified collection of choral pieces, classical as well as contemporary.  We see it as our task to provide the congregation with an aspect of worship that compliments and transcends the spoken Word.  Our rehearsals combine the musical learning experience with Christian camaraderie; the result is a unified praise involvement of all participants.  Rehearsals take place Wednesdays at 7:30 PM.

Point Person: Gary McCraw, 579-3631


The Handbell Choir consists of 12+ adults (ages 14 and up) who provide special music for various services throughout the church year.  Members of this group are dedicated music readers who have a heart for rehearsing and performing this specialized aspect of the total worship experience.  New ringers are continually being recruited.  Rehearsals take place Wednesdays at 6:30 PM.

Point Person: Gary McCraw, 579-3631


The Worship Team is comprised of vocalists, players, and A/V techs whose main purpose is to worship and glorify God through music and arts and to help draw seekers and believers alike into an intimate and authentic time of worship with the Lord. They assist in the 9:30 service with an “Ancient/Modern” approach to their music using both hymns and contemporary music. Although the style is contemporary, the worship experience is scripturally based. Through worship, not performance, we pray all are able to experience the truth and grace of Jesus and the transforming power of His love. We, as a team, also share and value our commitment to one another as friends and fellow worshippers.

Point Person: Gia Diamaduros, 542-3131

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