Steve Wise, known as "Pops'", "Humble Bumble" and "Big Daddy" to his youth staff, has joyfully served Westminster for over 30 years. His early years were spent in Columbia but he finished his high school days in Mauldin. After 4 years as a fierce fighting Terrier at Wofford College, he began work at Westminster as a Young Life Church Partner in 1988. The highlight of his four years there was his marriage to Becky Hadden (now Wise) in 1990. In 1992 they took a brief hiatus to the American Siberia in Princeton, New Jersey where he completed his Master of Divinity Degree and ordination process. In 1995, Steve and Becky returned in 1995 to Westminster where Steve was ordained as "Pastor for Youth and Youth Outreach. As a former Associate Pastor, Steve served as "Pastor for Emerging Generations." In 2019, Steve accepted the call to be the Senior Pastor at WPC and continues to joyfully preach the love of Christ and lead our community. In 2021, Steve received his Doctorate of Ministry from Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary in Ministry to Emerging Generations.
Steve enjoys being deeply involved in the youth ministry of Westminster and Young Life; and building relationships with people in the church and community. He is deeply committed to Jesus, His Word, and relationships. He enjoys spending time with his family, exercising, being outdoors, reading, playing games, and running with his yellow lab, Bea. Becky works at Carver Middle School in their library. They have two children, Banks and Rebecca who are both married now and living in South Carolina.
You may reach Steve at |