Monday, February 12 2024
Hey friends, Ash Wednesday begins the season of Lent. We will observe Ash Wednesday this Wednesday evening, February 14th. Lent continues for 6 Sundays and ends with the celebration of Easter. Our teaching series during Lent – “Jesus in His Own Words - will focus on knowing Jesus as He spoke about Himself. The Gospel of John highlights seven of Jesus’ “I AM” statements. These “I AM” statements are very dangerous words. The words quoted above resulted in an attempted assassination. In Exodus, we learn “I AM” is God’s name with Moses at the burning bush. It is a name that encompasses both God’s infinite and personal nature. God has a name – He is a Person. God’s name stresses His self-existence – that God exists in and of Himself. This most beautiful name comes from the verb “to be” – signifying that He is the Source and Epitome of all existence. The uncreated Creator of all things – including time and space. This name, replaced by the word “Lord” in many translations in the Old Testament, was a name the Hebrews handled with utmost care. In using these words in reference to Himself, Jesus claims to be God and to be the revelation of God’s character and nature. John’s whole Gospel presents Jesus as God’s Word who was with God and is God (John 1:1-3); and that He explains the Father to us (John 1:18). On seven different occasions, Jesus makes an “I AM” statement followed by a word or words that convey an image or idea about what this means for us. These images include: I AM the bread of life I AM the light of the world I AM the gate of the sheep I AM the good shepherd I AM the resurrection and the life I AM the way, the truth, and the life I AM the true vine. We will be answering the questions – who is Jesus and what does that mean to us? We will learn that Jesus, in His own words, is the God who is to us and gives to us all we desperately need and all we ultimately want. We hope you will join us for worship throughout the season of Lent. Your friend Steve Wise |