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Church History
Our Beginning 
  • 1956   Our property was purchased by Enoree Presbytery and First Presbyterian Church of Spartanburg.  A survey indicated 27 families interested in starting new church.
  • 1959   The Reverend Leonard Topping of First Presbyterian Church leads these families in worship service at Spartanburg High School (125 members).  In October, a petition was presented to Presbytery to formally charter the Church on December 30, 1959.
  • 1960   The Reverend Joe Brooks becomes first full-time pastor.  In January, Building Committee appointed to raise $53,000 for Fellowship Hall and 15 classrooms.   The church was incorporated on June 6 as Westminster Presbyterian Church of Spartanburg, South Carolina, Inc.
  • 1962   Our first service held in Fellowship Hall on June 10th.
Dr. Fred Poag, Minister First Presbyterian Church, Spartanburg, SC
Watch Us Grow 

- 1965   A Building Committee was appointed for more Sunday School classrooms and a sanctuary.

- 1970   Our sanctuary and Sunday School classrooms were completed.

- 1983   Our offices moved to the house which was the original manse at 104 Pineville Road.  Also, T.O.T.A.L. Ministries was launched by church members.

- 1985   The 'Emory Road House" (105 Emory Road) was purchased. It was used as a manse for the associate pastor.  The "Emory Road House," as it is affectionately known, is now the youth meeting rooms and youth staff offices.  

- 1987   Our gym and kitchen were added to the existing church structure.

- 1988   Our partnership with Young Life began.

And we continue in our growth and service to our community... 
Westminster Presbyterian Church today

- 1991   Added parking, a new playground, and other projects.  Also, our organ was dedicated in the sanctuary. 

- 1994-1995   Our fellowship hall, gymnasium (sound), and parlor were remodeled

- 1995 Steve Wise was ordained and installed as Pastor to Youth and Youth Outreach.

- 1996-1999  Financial Freedom Campaign began as a means to become a debt-free church

- 1999   Celebrated a debt-free church. The church also started a Capital Fund with Spartanburg County Foundation to stay debt-free

- 2000   Charles Horne retired after 20 years of service.

- 2002   Paul M. Petersen was installed as our fourth senior pastor.

- 2006   Start of our Contemporary Worship service in August. 

- 2011   Our current mission and vision statements were approved. 

- 2012   New bylaws were adopted.

- 2013    Westminster moved from the PCUSA to ECO to better align with our theological and reformed identity.

- 2014-2016  Developed strategic objectives: 

  • Lead children to a personal relationship with Jesus Christ and provide for their spiritual growth by establishing the highest comprehensive gospel-centered programs.
  • Develop engaged young adults to help them spiritually grow.
  • Invigorate everyone’s faith by encouraging connections to smaller communities. 
  • Strengthen marriages and families.
  • Study the feasibility and implement a plan to plant an ECO church.

- 2017  A Master Plan Steering Committee began the discerning work of building expansion and impact on our local neighborhood.  This work allowed WPC's leadership to understand and prepare for future building needs.

-2018   WPC's Session (leadership board) was reduced from 30 to 18 elders, with a new emphasis on Ministry Teams to lead various ministries throughout the church.

- 2019  Rev. Dr. Paul Petersen retired after 17 years of ministry;
Rev. Dr. Steve Wise was installed as WPC's fifth senior pastor.

- 2020  WPC began streaming services in response to COVID but continued to meet for weekly worship.  

- 2021  Membership surpassed 1000 covenant partners. 

- 2022 Launched a new Parent Ministry to engage young parents and provide resources to help them grow as spiritual leaders. 

- 2023  The Session approved relocating office space to a rennovated home nearby to make room for future small groups.  Over 270 children participated in Vacation Bible School.    

Our Affiliation

is a member of
Covenant Order of
Evangelical Presbyterians (ECO)

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