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encouragement from steve wise

Monday, April 06 2020

Dear friends,

C.S. Lewis’ was having a conversation with a group of young fans. He explained how he imagined Narnia long before he wrote about it. However, he admitted that Aslan – the Great Lion – “just bounded onto the page. I hadn’t planned on Him at all.” A young girl blurted out, “Not thought of Aslan.” The way she said the name and the way the children responded caused him to “laugh with such joy that the children joined in.” (from Becoming Mrs. Lewis, by Patti Henry). As we begin Easter week, with dire predictions and the cancellation of gathered worship services, let us not make a similar mistake – to not think of another Lion.

In Revelation 5, John records a vision of “Him who sat on the throne” with a book in his right hand that was sealed with seven seals. No one was worthy to break the seals or open the book. John tells us he began to weep. But one of the elders around the throne interrupted him, “Stop weeping; behold, the Lion of the tribe of Judah, the Root of David, has overcome so as to open the book and its seven seals.” Then John saw a Lamb standing as if slain and all the creatures worshipped Him, saying “Worthy are You to take the book and to break its seals; for You were slain and purchased for God with Your blood people from every tribe and tongue and people and nation. You have made them to be a kingdom and priests to our God; and they will reign forever.”

That book spoke of future events and of God’s future victory over evil. We may not be able to explain all the book says or means. We may not be able to understand all that is happening around us (or even in us). But we can and must “think of Jesus.” History comes as no surprise to Him and He will eventually sum up all history – and it will be good for those who love Him!

A good friend once shared with me his concerns for his young daughter’s future as she grew up. He related to me that at the peak of his fear, he heard the gentle voice of the Holy Spirit whisper, “I will be there with her.” My friend realized he had “not thought of Jesus” in all his worries about his daughter. Let’s remember to “think of Jesus” as we face the uncertainty of these days! There is no need to fear if we keep taking thought of Jesus – He is with us now and He will be with us and the ones we love then.

Holy Week Services online -

- Maundy Thursday – 6pm

- Good Friday – 6pm

- Easter Sunday – 9:30am – We encourage you to dress up and honor your family

traditions. Let’s make this one of the best Easter celebrations ever!

Your friend

Steve Wise

Posted by: Steve AT 03:11 pm   |  Permalink   |  Email

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