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encouragement from steve wise

Tuesday, April 21 2020

Dear friends, 

Words cannot describe the gratitude and love we (our whole team) have for you! Walking in the sanctuary to the beautiful gift of your faces filling the pews was overwhelming. It was a joy to walking the pews and look at each picture – giving thanks for you and praying for you in the circumstances and situations I know about AND the ones that I don’t. I find myself choking back tears through a big smile as I think about it. Your love for us and your encouragement of our whole team is overwhelming! You can see a 30-second video of those pictures with our Worship Team singing “Love will Hold us Together” here. The video can be found on the right of the live stream and entitled “Hold Us Together.”

As you participate in our livestream services, please notice a small wooden cross on the Communion Table. The story of that cross is one you need to know. You can read the full text here. The cross was made by our own Jim Brady from the wood of an oak tree felled by the tornado(s) that ripped through our community. Though originally purposed for the Fellowship Hall during our overflow Easter services, it was re-purposed for our sanctuary during the pandemic. It serves as a reminder of the Father’s protection and provision during this past local catastrophe and assures us of His protection and provision in this present and international crisis. 

The Creed we recite each Sunday represents in words the beauty of the Gospel that has stood through times as perilous and uncertain as ours – wars and rumors of wars, disasters and disease, kings and kingdoms, ages and epochs. So too this Cross serves as a visual representation of the beauty of the Gospel that carried us through some difficult days, carries us through these difficult days, and will carry us through to the Day when all disease, disaster and death will be swallowed up in health, wholeness, and life in the goodness and love of God the Father, Christ the Son, and the Holy Spirit. 

* A few new options this week –(email blast and Realm for details) 

  • Community prayer 12:30-1:30 – zoom call
  • Wednesday evening Bible study – 6:30-7:30pm 
  • Sunday morning post-worship discussion – 11:00-12:00

* We continue to livestream one service at 9:30 am – Past services are also available at that site.

In your prayers include: 

  • our political and medical leaders regarding decisions about our next steps
  • our health care providers and other workers who are serving others at this time
  • our business leaders, small business people, and others faced with difficult circumstances
  • our fellow citizens in different states of distress from all associated with the pandemic
  • our church as we seek to minister to one another and the larger community
  • our session as we make decisions regarding the gathering and future of Westminster. 
  • (please feel free to add)

Your friend

Steve Wise

Posted by: Steve AT 03:13 pm   |  Permalink   |  Email
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