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encouragement from steve wise

Tuesday, April 21 2020

Dear friends, 

Words cannot describe the gratitude and love we (our whole team) have for you! Walking in the sanctuary to the beautiful gift of your faces filling the pews was overwhelming. It was a joy to walking the pews and look at each picture – giving thanks for you and praying for you in the circumstances and situations I know about AND the ones that I don’t. I find myself choking back tears through a big smile as I think about it. Your love for us and your encouragement of our whole team is overwhelming! You can see a 30-second video of those pictures with our Worship Team singing “Love will Hold us Together” here. The video can be found on the right of the live stream and entitled “Hold Us Together.”

As you participate in our livestream services, please notice a small wooden cross on the Communion Table. The story of that cross is one you need to know. You can read the full text here. The cross was made by our own Jim Brady from the wood of an oak tree felled by the tornado(s) that ripped through our community. Though originally purposed for the Fellowship Hall during our overflow Easter services, it was re-purposed for our sanctuary during the pandemic. It serves as a reminder of the Father’s protection and provision during this past local catastrophe and assures us of His protection and provision in this present and international crisis. 

The Creed we recite each Sunday represents in words the beauty of the Gospel that has stood through times as perilous and uncertain as ours – wars and rumors of wars, disasters and disease, kings and kingdoms, ages and epochs. So too this Cross serves as a visual representation of the beauty of the Gospel that carried us through some difficult days, carries us through these difficult days, and will carry us through to the Day when all disease, disaster and death will be swallowed up in health, wholeness, and life in the goodness and love of God the Father, Christ the Son, and the Holy Spirit. 

* A few new options this week –(email blast and Realm for details) 

  • Community prayer 12:30-1:30 – zoom call
  • Wednesday evening Bible study – 6:30-7:30pm 
  • Sunday morning post-worship discussion – 11:00-12:00

* We continue to livestream one service at 9:30 am – Past services are also available at that site.

In your prayers include: 

  • our political and medical leaders regarding decisions about our next steps
  • our health care providers and other workers who are serving others at this time
  • our business leaders, small business people, and others faced with difficult circumstances
  • our fellow citizens in different states of distress from all associated with the pandemic
  • our church as we seek to minister to one another and the larger community
  • our session as we make decisions regarding the gathering and future of Westminster. 
  • (please feel free to add)

Your friend

Steve Wise

Posted by: Steve AT 03:13 pm   |  Permalink   |  Email
Tuesday, April 14 2020

Dear friends, 

The Tuesday after Easter – the joy of that day turns back to the mundaneness of this day. We are back to working from home or worrying about being at work. We are worrying about finding a job or worrying about how to keep people employed. We are dealing with the frustration of homeschooling our children or being alone in our place of residence. We can’t wait for this thing to be over but can’t seem to see any end in sight. It really is a marathon and not a sprint. An epic movie and not a sit-com. This is hard work!

Paul told the Galatians, “Do not be deceived, God is not mocked; for whatever a person sows, this he will also reap. For the one who sows to his own flesh will from the flesh reap corruption, but the one who sows to the Spirit will from the Spirit reap eternal life. Let us not lose heart in doing good, for in due time, we will reap if we do not grow weary.” (Galatians 6:7-9).  We celebrate Easter once a year to remind each other why we need not “lose heart” the rest of the year. We learn to trust that our Father is both our provider and our protector. We learn to trust Him in the everyday affairs of our lives – living our lives before Him and in pursuit of the things that please Him to His glory, our own good, and the benefit of others.

Part of this process is praying – communicating with God about the day-to-day realities of our lives. Jesus taught us the Lord’s Prayer that encourages us to begin our prayer by meditating on our relationship this good and loving God revealed in Jesus. We then pray the ability to love what He loves as we seek His kingdom in our lives and in the world. Then we lay before God our needs for today, our failures of the past, and our concerns about the future. Prayer is an intimate interaction with God. Philip Yancey writes:  “Prayer does not work according to a fixed formula: Get your life in order, say the right words, and the desired result will come. If that were true, Job would have avoided much suffering,

Paul would have shed his thorn in the flesh, and Jesus would never have gone to Golgotha. Between the two questions “Does God answer prayer?” and “Will God grant my specific prayer for this sick child or this particular injustice?” lies a great pool of mystery (From PRAYER: Does It Make Any Difference?).   

For some reason, God likes to come to us in the mystery. But He always comes in goodness and love. So do not lose heart – keep doing the hard but good work of prayer!

         * A few new options this week –(email blast and Realm for details)

                   - Community prayer 12:30-1:30 – zoom call

                   - Wednesday evening Bible study – 6:30-7:30pm

                  -  Sunday morning post-worship discussion – 11:00-12:00

         * We continue to livestream one service at 9:30 am – Past services are also available at that site.

In your prayers include:

  • our political and medical leaders regarding decisions about our next steps
  • our health care providers and other workers who are serving others at this time
  • our business leaders, small business people, and others faced with difficult circumstances
  • our fellow citizens in different states of distress from all associated with the pandemic
  • our church as we seek to minister to one another and the larger community
  • our session as we make decisions regarding the gathering and future of Westminster. 
  • (please feel free to add)

Your friend

Steve Wise

Posted by: Steve AT 03:12 pm   |  Permalink   |  Email
Saturday, April 11 2020

Dear friends, 

It’s late in the afternoon on Saturday before Easter. I feel the sadness of not being able to gather to celebrate the resurrection of Jesus together because of our “stay-at-home” order. On the Saturday after Jesus’ crucifixion, Jesus’ disciples had placed themselves under a similar order. Hiding behind barred doors and haunted by their own failures, they must have felt the ‘darkness’ in their own souls.    

I wonder why Jesus would he leave his disciples hanging for this long. Why didn’t He rise again on Saturday morning? What made 48 hours better than 24? Or 2 days better than 1? Or 2 sleepless nights preferable to 1 bad night’s sleep?

But would that have made it any easier? Would it have not been so difficult if it were only the worst day of their lives and not the worst two days of their lives? Of course, they did not know they would face more days like this. But the news of the next day would change how they would respond.  

Here’s my hunch – Jesus was teaching them that the only way to go through something is to go through it. Not incredibly profound but absolutely true. They experienced the joy of Easter by going through the sorrow of Saturday. The bright light of Sunday could only follow the darkness of that Sabbath. For them, the strength to stand the furnace of persecution must be forged in the fire of the hopeless waiting of those 48 hours. 

Jesus’ ½ brother, James, may have had this day in mind when he opens his letter to fellow believers, “Consider it all joy, my brethren, when you encounter various trials, knowing that the testing of your faith produces endurance (hupomone). And let endurance have its perfect result, so that you may be perfect and complete, lacking in nothing” (James 1:2-4). Even as Jesus lay in the tomb those many hours, He was at work in the lives of His disciples strengthening their faith.

So we feel the ‘darkness’ of this holy Saturday in ways we may never have before and hope never to again. Personal things along with international pandemics leave us feeling locked away in fear. But it is in the midst of this that Jesus is doing something in us that can only be done in us here. He does not cause it but He will not waste it! Let us pray that we will not miss it!

  • Worship tomorrow at 9:30 via livestream - - dress up, honor your family traditions, celebrate the Resurrection!
  • A couple of opportunities to interact and engage via Zoom calls
    • Community Prayer - Wednesdays at 12:30 PM
    • Wednesday PM Community Study - 6:30 PM - When God Interrupts. - We'll look at stories in Scripture where God "messes up" our order for us to see His plans. 
    • Sunday School - 11:00 AM - Starting April 19. We'll take some time to dive in together and share post-sermon reflections and study each week's passage more deeply.
    • (Zoom links can be found on the Realm and email blast.)

Finally, for your viewing pleasure and your soul – perhaps may favorite song of all -

Your friend

Steve Wise

Posted by: Steve AT 03:11 pm   |  Permalink   |  Email
Wednesday, April 08 2020

Dear friends,

“Search me, O God, and know my heart;
Try me and know my anxious thoughts;
And see if there be any hurtful way in me,
And lead me in the everlasting way.”

– Psalm 139:23-24

You may have noticed that we have used this as our Prayer of Confession for the past several weeks. This has not been the result of laziness or an oversight. The repeated practice of this prayer would serve us well in any season. It serves us especially well during this season of waiting and uncertainty. These verses end one of the most beautiful Psalms about our value to God and God’s constant presence with us. David asserts at the beginning that the Lord knows everything about him and then concludes this song with the desire for the Lord to know him and reveal to him both his self-destructive worries and hurtful behaviors.

In this prayer, we have an image of mining for precious metals. We ask God to dig into us like a miner for gold hidden well below the surface. We then request that the Lord discover our thoughts, imaginations, feelings, and desires AND to reveal them to us. The prayer is for God to know us as we really are in the depth of our being and to enable us to have greater self-awareness.

But the prayer does not stop here. We move from this discovery into trying or testing. This word was commonly used for assaying metals or determining their authenticity and worth. We ask the Lord to test our divided opinions about people and things that create anxiety in us. These divided opinions are the different stories we tell ourselves or narratives we weave in our minds about the past and the future that disturb us and disrupt our lives.

The prayer presses further, beyond our motivations and thoughts to our behavior. We ask God to inspect our actions for pain and sorrow they have caused to other people with our words and action, our silence and inaction. The word for hurtful also refers to idols. The theme of idolatry runs throughout Scripture. Idolatry is finding our worth or centering our identity in anyone or anything other than God. When we fail to find our worth and center our identity in God, we end up hurting other people in our selfish pursuits for the fulfillment our idols always fail to give us. It comes out in our words and behaviors. It is the essence of sin and it is sinister and subtle. We need the Lord to show us because we cannot see it in ourselves.

Finally, we ask God to lead us and guide us in an eternal way of life – to become the kind of people we want to be forever. This is not something I can do by myself but it is not something the Father will do without me. This prayer takes an incredible amount of self-honesty and bears fruit in self-awareness. This self-awareness helps us to love others well – with our words and with our actions. We begin to learn about the real effect we have on others and allow the Lord to transform us from the inside out.

So in light of this prayer and the times in which we are living, the Lord seems to be teaching me that the best way I can love other people – in my home, in our church, in our community, and in our world – is to ask the Lord to help me manage my own anxiety so my words and actions toward others are not coming from a place of selfish fear but trust in the Lord.

* Holy Week Services online -

- Maundy Thursday – 6pm

- Good Friday – 6pm

- Easter Sunday – 9:30am – We encourage you to dress up and honor your family  traditions. Let’s                                                                                  make this one of the best Easter celebrations ever!

Your friend

Steve Wise

Posted by: Steve AT 03:11 pm   |  Permalink   |  Email
Monday, April 06 2020

Dear friends,

C.S. Lewis’ was having a conversation with a group of young fans. He explained how he imagined Narnia long before he wrote about it. However, he admitted that Aslan – the Great Lion – “just bounded onto the page. I hadn’t planned on Him at all.” A young girl blurted out, “Not thought of Aslan.” The way she said the name and the way the children responded caused him to “laugh with such joy that the children joined in.” (from Becoming Mrs. Lewis, by Patti Henry). As we begin Easter week, with dire predictions and the cancellation of gathered worship services, let us not make a similar mistake – to not think of another Lion.

In Revelation 5, John records a vision of “Him who sat on the throne” with a book in his right hand that was sealed with seven seals. No one was worthy to break the seals or open the book. John tells us he began to weep. But one of the elders around the throne interrupted him, “Stop weeping; behold, the Lion of the tribe of Judah, the Root of David, has overcome so as to open the book and its seven seals.” Then John saw a Lamb standing as if slain and all the creatures worshipped Him, saying “Worthy are You to take the book and to break its seals; for You were slain and purchased for God with Your blood people from every tribe and tongue and people and nation. You have made them to be a kingdom and priests to our God; and they will reign forever.”

That book spoke of future events and of God’s future victory over evil. We may not be able to explain all the book says or means. We may not be able to understand all that is happening around us (or even in us). But we can and must “think of Jesus.” History comes as no surprise to Him and He will eventually sum up all history – and it will be good for those who love Him!

A good friend once shared with me his concerns for his young daughter’s future as she grew up. He related to me that at the peak of his fear, he heard the gentle voice of the Holy Spirit whisper, “I will be there with her.” My friend realized he had “not thought of Jesus” in all his worries about his daughter. Let’s remember to “think of Jesus” as we face the uncertainty of these days! There is no need to fear if we keep taking thought of Jesus – He is with us now and He will be with us and the ones we love then.

Holy Week Services online -

- Maundy Thursday – 6pm

- Good Friday – 6pm

- Easter Sunday – 9:30am – We encourage you to dress up and honor your family

traditions. Let’s make this one of the best Easter celebrations ever!

Your friend

Steve Wise

Posted by: Steve AT 03:11 pm   |  Permalink   |  Email
Thursday, April 02 2020

Dear friends, 

It was February 26th when we celebrated Ash Wednesday – that was just over a month ago. Does it not seem like a world away? I am reminded this morning of the words spoken over us at that service – “Remember that you are but dust and to dust you will return. But the steadfast love of the love endures forever” (Ecclesiastes 7:2).  These are two very important truths for us to remember. It is also a reminder of the Best News that puts an end to all the bad news.

The writer of Ecclesiastes writes, “It is better to go to the house of mourning than to go to the house of feasting, Because that is the end of every man, And the living should take it to heart.” The events of these last few weeks serve to remind us of our frailty and weakness.  Any and all illusions of control have been shattered. Uncertainty abounds and anxiety almost overwhelms. It feels like we are dying a thousand deaths or death by a thousand cuts. This is a reminder that we are but dust and to dust we will return. 

But the Good News of Jesus tells us death is not the last word, only the second to the last word.  C.S. Lewis wrote in The Great Divorce “Can you really have thought that love and joy would always be at the mercy of frowns and sighs? Did you not know they were stronger than their opposites?" As we walk through Lent and prepare for Holy Week, let us remember Jesus became dust and breathed His last so He could breathe His Spirit into our dead dust. We may return to the dust but the promise is we will not stay there but be resurrected.

The writer of Hebrews assures us, “…since the children share in flesh and blood, He Himself likewise also partook of the same, that through death He might render powerless him who had the power of death, that is, the devil, and might free those who through fear of death were subject to slavery all their lives.” (Hebrews 2:14-15). Yes, death is the destiny of every one of us and every one of us should take it to heart. But, we must also take to heart that life is the final word for those of us who trust in the love, goodness, and power of God. There is no fear in life or in death because the One from whom we have the most to fear has faced our greatest fear – out of love for us – and defeated it! 

Remember our live stream service at 9:30am this Sunday at

Continue to pray for our health care professionals, political leaders, friends and families.

An elder shared this article with me - passing it on to you -

Your friend

Steve Wise

Posted by: Steve AT 03:10 pm   |  Permalink   |  Email
Tuesday, March 31 2020

Dear friends, 

    I have counted 18 days since the Corona-cation started. Tomorrow will mark the beginning of April’s 30 (more) days of social distancing. This is going to be a marathon more than a sprint – which means endurance is more important than speed. 

    So, the word for the day is “hupomone” (long vowel sounds on all the vowels with the last a long A sound). It is translated persevere, endure, be patient. It is used by Jesus, Paul, Peter, James and John. Ancient monks repeated it to themselves when undergoing various temptations.

     In Romans 5, Paul writes, “And not only this, but we also boast in our tribulations, knowing that this tribulation brings about perseverance, and perseverance, proven character; and proven character, hope; and hope does not disappoint, because the love of God has been poured out on our hearts through the Holy Spirit who was given to us.”

    This is a bold statement – Paul says we can brag about our pressures, troubles, and sufferings because of what they can produce in us – endurance or passionate patience. This stick-to-it-tive-ness “forges the tempered steel of virtue” in us – we become the kind of people who do good, true, right, and loving things.  This strengthening character produces an invincible hope that is rooted not in people, events or circumstances but in the love of God – which he refers to in vs. 2 as the “grace I which we stand.” This hope will not leave us disappointed or ashamed! Everyone and everything in this world will give us everything it can and nothing more – and we will be disappointed. All of our efforts will end in futility and shame. But hope is the shame changer!

    The most beautiful part – this hope is the love of God pouring over us like a rainstorm through the Holy Spirit. We are brought into, washed over and filled with the incredible love of the Trinity – Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. It is in the pressure of suffering that we ultimately come to know and experience God on the highest levels and in the deepest ways. 

    Nobody likes conditioning for sports, or playing scales for music, or doing homework for class. These are the things we need to do in order to be able to perform on the field, on the stage, or in the classroom. A few years from now, we will look back on these days and have a story to tell. Don’t we want to be able to talk about the good that came out of it? Wouldn’t one of the best things we could say is that we got in shape spiritually, emotionally, mentally, and physically?  

   So how can we train spiritually to meet the demands of the coming month and beyond? For some of us, a challenge may help. So here is a 30/30/30 challenge = 30 minutes a day reading Scripture and praying + 30 minutes of exercise or activity + for 30 days. For some of us, this is habit; for others, this may be new. 

   I am trying not to be too prescriptive – pray as you can and not as you can’t (think C.S. Lewis said that but not sure). I suggest starting in the New Testament – the Gospel of Mark and then the Letter to the Romans. Spend 15-20 minutes reading and reflecting on 1 chapter. Spend the rest of your time praying. I like to pray while I exercise – it takes some focus but it can be done!

   If you miss a day, don’t quit but play a little catch up. All of this serves to help us process all that is going on around us and in us in healthy ways. If you would like some help with this, I would love to have that conversation with you! 

    Live-Stream – Sunday at 9:30 at Past services are also available.

    Something for your viewing pleasure – beautiful song and video a friend sent from Australia.

Your friend

Steve Wise

Posted by: Steve AT 03:09 pm   |  Permalink   |  Email
Thursday, March 26 2020

Dear friends, 

A spiritual mentor and friend reminded me of Jesus’ words in Luke 6:47-48 – “Everyone who comes to Me and hears My words and acts on them…is like a man building a house, who dug down deep and laid a foundation on the rock; and when a flood occurred, the torrent burst against that house and could not shake it, because it had been well built.” In Matthew 7, Jesus calls this person wise and teaches us that a life built on wisdom is an unshakeable and indestructible life. 

We are experiencing a flood of anxiety-inducing information and a torrent of fear. I realize I need to do some deep digging to shore up some things in my own life. This involves looking at what my fear and anxiety reveals about the idols of my heart. By idol, I mean anything so essential to my life that its loss would make life not worth living. It is anyone or anything that has the controlling position of my heart other than God – this could be a person, a position, a possession, or just about anything will


The problem with idols is not that they are bad; they are just not enough.  In fact, the better the person or thing the worse idol it becomes.  We are asking our idols to do something they cannot do – satisfy our deepest needs, calm our greatest fears, bring us the highest joy. Unfortunately and fortunately, life has a way of destroying our idols. It is unfortunate because it involves some pain; it is fortunate because it can set us free.   Our present struggle with the Coronavirus and its repercussions is shattering some idols. 

One writer suggests the three main idols to fall are security, prosperity, and wellness. (You can read it here.) It is a threat beyond our ability to control. It affects our sense of economic well-being. And it attacks our health. Security, prosperity, and wellness are quite good things but never meant to be the source of our ultimate hope. Our only hope in life and death is that we belong in body and soul, to God and to our Savior Jesus Christ. 

The beauty of the Gospel is Jesus does what our idols cannot. Christ gives us eternal security – we have a good Father and we live in a safe and secure universe as eternal beings. Christ gives us real prosperity – provision and purpose, meaning and relationships. Christ gives us wellness - spiritual maturity and emotional health as He develops us into the people we will be forever. His promise of a new heaven and a new earth is a disease-free, death-free, anxiety-free, sorrow-free place of peace, life, love and joy.

Father, during this time of uncertainty, help us to dig deep, uncover our idols, and set us free to know and experience Your love and goodness.

A couple of things that may be helpful to know –

* Live-Stream – Sunday at 9:30 at Past services are also available.

* Ways to help -

       - Our His Hands ministry team – if you need help or can help – call Beth Wolfe at 864-216-2761 or email

         - TOTAL Ministries – food, finances and people - 864-595-9167.

         - Mobile Meals – drivers (licensed & insured). Please call ahead - 864-573-7684. 

         - Soup Kitchen – hand sanitizer, wipes, carryout containers, foil, cups with lids, and prayer. Contact Dan Dupler if you can help: 864-431-3214

         - 7 inch long 1/8” or 1/4” wide elastic straps to sew medical masks. Box outside church office.


Pray for our covenant partners in health care and government; and for our health care and governmental leaders locally, state-wide, nationally and internationally. I hope to see you very soon.


Your friend

Steve Wise

Posted by: Steve AT 03:09 pm   |  Permalink   |  Email
Tuesday, March 24 2020

Dear friends,

The apostle Paul wrote from a prison cell to the Philippians, “Rejoice in the Lord always; again I say, rejoice! Let your gentle spirit be known to all men. The Lord is near. Be anxious for nothing, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made know to God. And the peace of God, which surpasses all comprehension, will guard your hearts and minds in Christ Jesus. Finally, brethren, whatever is true, whatever is honorable, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is of good repute, if there is any excellence and if anything worthy of praise, dwell on these things.”

Paul’s prison was a physical one but he would certainly relate to the prisons of anxiety, quarantine, or cabin fever in which we find ourselves. He is teaching us how to not only deal with every situation and circumstance but to experience joy in them. It all boils down to a choice to rejoice (I really didn’t mean to do that, please forgive me…but it was pretty good). But the choice to rejoice does not happen without some other choices. This is how spiritual transformation happens – we can’t do it by ourselves but God will not do it without us.

1) Be gentle – i.e. be careful how we treat other people. The word means “power under control” and refers to a quality that only the strong can afford. This is not weakness.

2) Remember that the Lord is always near – closer to us than our very breath.

3) Turn anxiety into prayer and supplication “with thanksgiving” – look for the good even in the worst.

4) Let God’s unexplainable peace protect you emotionally and mentally.

5) Fill your mind and meditate on authentic, real, right, clean, pleasant, good, excellent, and commendable thoughts. Basically, things that focus on and bring out the best in ourselves and others.

Spiritual transformation is the path to joy. Spiritual transformation always involves our emotions, desires, thoughts, and actions. Spiritual growth happens best in the situations and circumstances that require it. This is one of those times – may you grow and experience the peace, joy, and love that passes all understanding.

A couple of things that may be helpful to know –

* Live-Stream – Sunday at 9:30 at Past services are also available.

* Ways to help -

  • Our His Hands ministry team – if you need help or can help – call Beth Wolfe at 864-216-2761 or email
  • TOTAL Ministries – food, finances and people - 864-595-9167.
  • Mobile Meals – drivers (licensed & insured). Please call ahead - 864-573-7684.
  • Soup Kitchen – hand sanitizer, wipes, carryout containers, foil, cups with lids, and prayers. Contact Dan Dupler if you can help: 864-431-3214
  • 7 inch long 1/8” or 1/4” wide elastic straps to sew medical masks. Box outside church office.

Pray for our covenant partners in health care and government; and for our health care and governmental leaders locally, state-wide, nationally and internationally. I hope to see you very soon.

Your friend

Steve Wise

Posted by: Steve AT 03:08 pm   |  Permalink   |  Email
Sunday, March 22 2020

Dear friends,

In light of this virus spreading throughout our world, I am reminded of C.S. Lewis’ remarks in Mere Christianity when he writes of Jesus, “He came to this world and became a man in order to spread to other men the kind of life He has – by what I call the ‘good infection’” (Mere ChristianityBook IV, Chapter Four). Lewis originally broadcast the lectures which became the book during the dark days of World War II. Now, we read them in these dark days of a different kind – but they are no less true. May His “good infection” of righteousness, peace, and joy flood our souls and infect those around us. Let’s pray for that “good infection” for all of us and for our world.

A couple of things that may be helpful to know –

* Live-Stream - Thanks to our praise team and staff who helped make worship happen today! Many encouraging comments flowing our way – you can still watch it at We will do it again next week.

* Some help for you and the family. The Gospel Coalition is a website I visit often for news, information and insights. Two articles about the value of music in these difficult days may be helpful. Both have playlists – one more geared to children (here) and one for adults (here). I encourage you to look around on this website for thoughtful and helpful articles.

* Our church office will be “open” between 10am-12pm and 2pm-4pm this week. A staff person will be there to answer phones and provide necessary assistance. If you are dropping off your offering, you can put in the mailbox by the front door. If assistance is necessary, please come during those times and it mindful of good ‘social distance.’ We are trying to eliminate the amount of personal contact in light of current guidelines.

* Ways to help -

- Our His Hands ministry team is actively seeking information regarding people who may need help during this time – running errands, picking up medications, groceries, or just checking up on them. They also need volunteers. If you or someone you know may be in need of help, please contact Beth Wolfe at 864-216-2761 or email

- TOTAL Ministries – they are in need of human and material resources – food, finances, and people. They have been and will be in this for the long haul and know how to help. They are open Monday-Thursday from 9am-12pm for good drop off. Their number is 864-595-9167 – be mindful they are busy.

- Mobile Meals – they need drivers and particularly young ones (who have licenses and are insured). Please call ahead so they can be prepared – 864-573-7684.

- Laurie Allen is looking for 7 inch long 1/8” or 1/4” wide elastic straps to sew medical masks. A box will be placed outside the church office for collection.

- I encourage you, if you are able, to look for ways people are helping and get involved! If you are not able, know that your fight against the spread of this virus by staying home and staying healthy is just as important!

Your friend

Steve Wise

Posted by: Steve AT 03:08 pm   |  Permalink   |  Email

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